Background and action in Paramount’s Remember the Night (1940), directed by Michell Leisen from a screenplay by Preston Sturges, featuring a budding romance between Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray during the Christmas season. With special attention given to character actor Willard Robertson, whose loquacious lawyer steals the show out of the gates. Lengthy article, over 5,000 words, that first appeared in Classic Movie Monthly #4.
Sweepings (1933) and Mamie’s Christmas Counter Freak-Out
Lester Cohen adapted his own novel Sweepings for RKO in 1933. It was remade as Three Sons in 1939. The story is about a retail king and his family, but the focus of this article turns to Helen Mack’s explosive Christmas Eve scene with additional details about her character filled in from Cohen’s novel.
Movie Ads from Across America, Christmas 1912
Christmas Day, 1912. No blockbuster premieres, but here’s a look back at advertisements that show what was playing at movie houses across America that day.
Ronald Reagan and Family, Care of General Electric Theater, Wishing You a Merry Christmas
This post shows off four Christmas themed press photos featuring Ronald Reagan and family, 1955-1961, distributed to promote annual the General Electric Theater Christmas programming.