If you want a lot of options, then Roy Rogers is a great star to collect! “The King of the Cowboys” was basically a franchise throughout the 1940’s and 50’s, his face appearing in many places and on many things for us to collect today. And most of it brings a tidy premium in terms of dollars.
News & Notes
Articles gathered under this heading include Cliff's monthly previews of Turner Classic Movies programming, reviews of movie books and interviews with film book authors, and site-related announcements including collectibles sales and book announcements.
Today in 1865 – Birth of Rudyard Kipling
As a major world figure in the early 20th Century Kipling also found himself the subject of many magazine articles, all of which are collectible to someone with an interest in Kipling, but obviously few of which approach the value of issues containing his original writing. An exception to this would be the September 27, 1926 issue of Time Magazine shown at the top of this piece, which featured him on the front cover.
How to Get Decent Photos of Negatives Quick and Easy Without Spending Any Money
I am not a camera guy. In fact, I bought my first digital camera maybe six months ago after only using a camera for my eBay photos since 2000. So when I got a really good deal on a large batch of old movie copy negatives I was thrilled, but after holding them for awhile […]
Putting the Weil-Ptak “Standardized” Ephemera Scale to Work
Great, potentially important, post by Marty Weil today over at the ephemera blog: The Weil-Ptak “Standardized” Ephemera Scale In short, the scale, brainchild of Marty Weil and John F. Ptak, who operates an online bookstore, delves into the details of 6 factors to categorize ephemera items from “least ephemeral to most.” I don’t want to […]
Online interviews about Magazine Collecting
I’m going to get these couple of links over to the Collecting Old Magazines home page when I get to its redesign, but as for now figure I’d post them here. Here are a couple of recent chats I had centered on magazine collecting: Is It Worth Keeping Old Magazines at LoveToKnow.com And more recently: […]
Nabokov’s Dark Cinema by Alfred Appel (1974)
I was stumbling around the book store a month or so ago looking to burn a gift certificate and I did pretty well. First I grabbed a Don Marquis biography (O Rare Don Marquis by Edward Anthony) which surprised me merely by existing–Marquis is one of those early 20th Century authors who seems to have […]
Interview with Cliff Aliperti about magazine collecting at LoveToKnow.com
Hey, wait, that’s me. Crystal Schwanke contacted me through eBay a couple of weeks ago about doing this. She sent me some questions and I did my best to answer them. I really wasn’t familiar with the site, but clicked around it a little after Crystal first contacted me and it looked pretty comprehensive. The […]
Louise Brooks Auction Ends – Card sells for just over $250
This was a pretty strange auction I thought (the one for this card). I listed the card last week with a reserve price of $89.98. That was met almost immediately, and then two bidders squared off and bumped the card up to just over $220 within the first 24 hours of the auction. That’s when […]
Edward Arnold in Diamond Jim (1935)
Just watched Diamond Jim (1935) and figured I’d post a quick comment since it only has a total of 44 votes on the IMDb. Frankly, I’m surprised it has that many, because I’ve been looking for a copy for the past 5 or 6 years, ever since I realized that Edward Arnold’s boisterous laugh manages […]
The Top 10 Movie Stars in 1936
I covered this in the newest issue of the newsletter associated with my magazine collecting site. The January 1936 issue of The American Magazine included an article where a midwest theater operator took issue with a critics list of top 10 attractions. The critics had these 10: 1. Charles Laughton 2. Claudette Colbert 3. George […]