William Kennedy Laurie Dickson (1860-1935) filmed Fred Ott’s Sneeze on January 7, 1894 and it was copyrighted on January 9, 1894. The film was made to include a sequential arrangement of the still photos inside the March 24, 1894 issue of Harper’s Weekly.
Collect Vintage Newspapers with Auction Wally and Bill Smith
To paraphrase Bill Smith from his interview on the Auction Wally Show from earlier this evening, Vintage Newspapers is a collecting niche still ripe for expansion. Whether you be buyer or seller, collector or dealer, if you have a nose for what’s collectible you can still find some really wonderful deals online, and in the […]
Today in 1894 – Birth of Zasu Pitts
Screwball Zasu Pitts just may have given the greatest single performance in screen history back in 1924 as Trina in Erich Von Stroheim’s famously lost classic Greed.
Today in 1947 – Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Marry
If you want a lot of options, then Roy Rogers is a great star to collect! “The King of the Cowboys” was basically a franchise throughout the 1940’s and 50’s, his face appearing in many places and on many things for us to collect today. And most of it brings a tidy premium in terms of dollars.
Today in 1865 – Birth of Rudyard Kipling
As a major world figure in the early 20th Century Kipling also found himself the subject of many magazine articles, all of which are collectible to someone with an interest in Kipling, but obviously few of which approach the value of issues containing his original writing. An exception to this would be the September 27, 1926 issue of Time Magazine shown at the top of this piece, which featured him on the front cover.
Lew Ayres – A Brief Biography of the Dr. Kildare Star
A brief look at the life and career of Lew Ayres, best remembered as the youthful star of All Quiet on the Western Front and several Dr. Kildare features.
How to Get Decent Photos of Negatives Quick and Easy Without Spending Any Money
I am not a camera guy. In fact, I bought my first digital camera maybe six months ago after only using a camera for my eBay photos since 2000. So when I got a really good deal on a large batch of old movie copy negatives I was thrilled, but after holding them for awhile […]
Putting the Weil-Ptak “Standardized” Ephemera Scale to Work
Great, potentially important, post by Marty Weil today over at the ephemera blog: The Weil-Ptak “Standardized” Ephemera Scale In short, the scale, brainchild of Marty Weil and John F. Ptak, who operates an online bookstore, delves into the details of 6 factors to categorize ephemera items from “least ephemeral to most.” I don’t want to […]
Online interviews about Magazine Collecting
I’m going to get these couple of links over to the Collecting Old Magazines home page when I get to its redesign, but as for now figure I’d post them here. Here are a couple of recent chats I had centered on magazine collecting: Is It Worth Keeping Old Magazines at LoveToKnow.com And more recently: […]
Nabokov’s Dark Cinema by Alfred Appel (1974)
I was stumbling around the book store a month or so ago looking to burn a gift certificate and I did pretty well. First I grabbed a Don Marquis biography (O Rare Don Marquis by Edward Anthony) which surprised me merely by existing–Marquis is one of those early 20th Century authors who seems to have […]