Sorry, no new mini-bio today. I’ve been working on an unrelated project this week and the clock just ticked a little too late Friday night for me to start a new bio from scratch, so—instead I updated my Movie Centenarians page for the first time since last October.
That last update was made to add Baby Peggy to the list. In the past couple of months the centenarians list has welcomed two new members, Nehemiah Persoff and Marge Champion.

Above: Marge Champion
Of course, updating this page probably took me just about as long as new mini-bio would have, but the update has been on my mind since Champion’s September 2 birthday, so I consider it time well spent. In addition to the additions, I moved Fay McKenzie to the deceased column (RIP) and updated ages for those who’ve celebrated a birthday since my last update.
You can view the updated Movie Centenarians list HERE … you may want to take a sip of water, stretch your legs, and give that page a moment to load—lots of images!
If it hooks you, you may want to spend some time with Wikipedia’s version of the list. They’re a bit more complete than I am: I try to limit my list to actors and actresses who had somewhat significant film careers (excluding entertainers who are primarily associated with television or vaudeville, for instance). No slight intended towards those I don’t include, it’s just that more complete lists, like the Wikipedia page, may be better, but they tend to make me glaze over when the columns get too long or I’ve only ever heard of every fifth name.
Okay, I’ll be back, probably Tuesday morning, with the latest mini-bio. Have a great weekend!
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