Silly me, when I wrote last week to announce that I’d started posting videos to YouTube again, I assumed that if I embedded a video into my post that email subscribers—my most valuable readers!—you—would actually see the video inside their email. Har, har, har! Didn’t happen.
Well, a couple more new videos have posted to YouTube since I last wrote, so I figured I’d send you another update but with links this time instead of, well, instead of a big gaping space that has you searching for the video!
Here’s the current library of videos:
Introduction to Movie Card & Collectibles Galleries – I preview the 12 various sets that I made the videos about in this one.
Now in each of the videos that follow I’ll pop up for about a minute to introduce myself and the set we’ll be looking at, then I’ll show you all of the cards or photos and talk about the set itself and usually mention a little about a few of the stars as well.
So far, the following seven videos in the series have posted:
1935 Gallaher Signed Portraits of Famous Stars – A look at all 48 cards.
1933 Moviebook Corp. of New York – 32 card set on display.
1928 Wills Cinema Stars, First Series – 25 Silent Film star tobacco cards.
1930s Philadelphia Record Supplement Photos – 60 pictures of Golden Age movie stars originally found inside the Sunday paper.
1938 Carreras Film Stars, Second Series – 54 tobacco cards featuring actresses of the 1930s.
1940 Castell Brothers WIZARD OF OZ Card Game – 44 game cards, each picturing a colorful scenes from The Wizard of Oz.
1922 Max B. Sheffer Card Company (MBSC) Postcards – 50 silent film stars pictured on attractive postcards <– personally, I like this one best so far!
The next video will premier early Saturday morning. It will feature the 1947 set of Turf Film Stars from Carreras, so a whole group of stars we haven’t seen yet.
Finally, you can subscribe to the channel here—with my thanks for doing so! I probably won’t send another announcement like this one for awhile, so I do hope to see you over on YouTube.
Thanks for reading (and watching!)
Cliff @
PS: Mini movie star bios still posting to Facebook daily … sometimes two or three per day! I didn’t post one on Easter Sunday, but otherwise I don’t think I’ve missed a day with these since I began in mid-March. Be sure to Like the page if you want them to start popping up in your Facebook stream.
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