I finally set up something on the site that I’ve long wanted to put together. I’m calling them Hub Pages. These are going to be grouped by star and what they’re going to include is, well, everything on the site relevant to that star.
I’ll pick on John Barrymore because he’s one of the early Hub Pages I’ve built already. You can see that page here. What you’ll find are all of the John Barrymore articles I’ve posted to the site, whether it be biographies by myself or other writers, movie reviews I’ve posted, or general articles such as the Photo Family Tree of Drews, Barrymores and Costellos. Also, and this is the only part that’s still a bit wonky, any John Barrymore photos that I’ve tagged with his name on the site (should) import to his hub page as well (Barrymore’s don’t, but current TCM Star of the Month Ray Milland’s do).
The hub pages also call up all of the John Barrymore cards and collectibles that I have for sale in the Immortal Ephemera Store on the same page. You can shop–and buy–vintage movie collectibles directly on any of the hub pages! In fact, while each page loads showing you only cards and collectibles of that particular star, you can actually shop the entire store from any hub page! (Excuse the exclamation points but I think this is really cool!)
And I’ve also laid some advertising on each of the pages, but I really try not to do cookie-cutter ads–the Amazon ads are always for DVDs and the eBay ads are always for items found under the Collectibles and Entertainment Memorabilia categories and I really do try to filter them best as I can for you. Basically I’ve tried to lay in ads that I would shop myself if I ran across them on someone else’s site.
At the very bottom of each Hub Page I’ve enabled commenting–if you love John Barrymore, or even if you only love Topaze or Twentieth Century, please do come tell us about it. I don’t care if it’s a simple declaration or a conversation starter. I’m really hoping that these new pages develop into destination sites for your favorite classic movie stars!
I’ve completed 15 hub pages already with plans for there to be hundreds of these. A complete index is below, though if you’re receiving this via email or in your reader it will only include as many as I’ve updated to appear. If you’re on this page on the site the entire list should not only show up, but should grow as new pages are created.
Now I’ve (hopefully) fixed my settings so if you’re a subscriber to Immortal Ephemera you won’t be bombarded with Hub Page posts–in fact you should never see one in your email inbox, feed reader or facebook page (except I do think Edward Arnold may have slipped by me earlier this evening). Where you will find the hub pages are when you visit Immortal Ephemera at things-and-other-stuff.com where there’s a Hub Pages link in the top navigation of every page, and you’ll also start to see them linked to at the bottom of new posts along with other related posts. So they’ll be there, on the site, but they shouldn’t be the least bit intrusive–as long as I’ve set this up right you have to go to the pages, they won’t come to you!
Immortal Ephemera Hub Pages Index:
Note: If a list of names don’t populate for you here, then please go here to see the list.
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