Ever since I first put together my Movie Centenarians page in 2013, updating it with new members to the club has been one of my most enjoyable tasks.
How could you not smile when adding a new name to a list of people who have reached age one hundred?
Well, as you’re probably aware, a new member joins the list today, Diana Serra Cary, born October 29, 1918, and best known as Baby Peggy or Baby Peggy Montgomery from her film work of the early 1920s, has turned one hundred.
(Here are her Wikipedia and IMDb pages if you’d like more about Diana Serra Cary.)
When I went to work on the update Sunday, I was surprised that I hadn’t touched the page since December 2016—I had been trying to update it on the actual date any new member joined the club, as I have for Baby Peggy, but I had missed a handful of new centenarians in the intervening twenty-two months.
Besides Baby Peggy, you’ll also find Marsha Hunt (1917— ), Danielle Darrieux (1917—2017), and Fay McKenzie (1918— ) newly added to the list.
Once more, in case you skipped the link at the top, here is the updated page of Movie Centenarians.
PS: I will return at least once more this week.
PPS: Norman Lloyd turns 104 in under two weeks!
Great to hear from you! Keep up the good work when you can!
Thanks, will do my best!