About 1920’s Film Stars and Animals Strip Cards
Seen as single cards and vertical strips of up to 8 cards.
US issue.
Single cards measure approximately 1-1/2″ X 2-1/2″ with full strips of 8 also 1-1/2″ wide by 22 inches long.
Two color cards with strips issued in different color stocks including white, green, blue, red, pink, orange, yellow.
Issue targeted at youths is heavy on cowboy stars and comedy stars.
I’d imagine the odd combination of movie stars accompanied by images of animals was thought of to appeal to the kids who collected these back in the 1920’s, and I can see that in an animals are cool kind of way, though I can also imagine the puzzled looks that came when acquiring that Australian Phalanger card.
And yes, Frank Fay or House Peters, each holding pistols, with respectively a scary wolf or angry badger is pretty neat, but Buddy Roosevelt can only make a Zebu so cool. Same for George O’Brien with a Yak. Our Gang picturing Joe Cobb with a Hippopotamus is kind of mean. Though I must admit that as bland as a Grey Squirrel may seem, Lon Chaney in his jack o’lantern-scary London After Midnight make-up would enliven any animal selection. Heck, human dullard would work with those fangs in the foreground!
Despite some strange selections, I really like these cards. I pick on them because I love them in fact, and yes, I do personally get a kick out of all of the exotic animals.
Each of these strip cards measures 1-1/2 inches wide by approximately 2-1/2 inches tall. The height is qualified with the word approximately due to the very nature of these cards which were issued in inch and a half wide vertical strips of 8.
The cards were then cut or even hand torn into individual cards by our little collectors from the twenties. This leads to some modern day controversy over professional grading on these cards–are they trimmed, or are they not because of their very nature? An interesting question with admirable defenses from either side. Enjoy the cards:
1920’s Film Stars and Animals Strip Card Gallery
The following gallery displays all of the 1920’s Films Stars and Animals Strip Cards that have ever passed through my hands.
Just click on any image to open to full size and from there you can scroll through each page in the gallery. Text listing of contents follows below.
Available for sale in the Immortal Ephemera Store:
None at this time … check my eBay Store for any available items.
Checklist of Known 1920’s Film Stars and Animals Strip Cards

Partial strip of 4 Film Stars and Animals strip cards that was torn in half at the Charlie Chaplin card up top.
John Barrymore (and Dolores Costello) with Antelope
Buzz Barton and Fennec-Fox
Rex Bell and Ibex
John Boles and Opossum
William Boyd (Hopalong Cassidy) and Gnu
Joe E. Brown with Anteater
Harry Carey and Rabbit
Lon Chaney and Grey Squirrel
Charley Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin) and Rhinoceros
Chester Conklin and Big Horn Sheep
Garry Cooper (Gary Cooper) and Cheetah
Bob Curwood and Rhinoceros
Bob Custer and Jerboa
Karl Dane and George K. Arthur and Porcupine
Mickey Daniels (and Jackie Condon) Our Gang with Marmot
Roy D’Arcy and Ocelot
William Desmond and Seal
William Desmond and Chinchilla
Jack Donovan and Cougar
William Fairbanks and Buffalo
Frank Fay and Wolf
Robert Frazer and Prong Horn Antelope
Hoot Gibson with Lioness
Hoot Gibson and Polar Bear
John Gilbert and Sheep
Fred Gilman and Brown Bear
Lloyd Hamilton and Wild Boar
William S. Hart and Hartebeest
Jack Holt and Racoon
Newton House and Musk Ox
Fred Humes and Rocky Mountain Goat
Buck Jones with Baboon
Buster Keaton and Wild Horse
Lupino Lane and Moose
Rex Lease and Fox
George Lewis and Civet
Harold Lloyd with Malayan Tapir
Theodore Lorch and Beaver
Ken Maynard and Eland
Ken Maynard with Giraffe
Tim McCoy and Llama
Francis McDonald with Otter
Tom Mix with Leopard
Tom Mix and Tiger
Conrad Nagel and Kangaroo
George O’Brien and Yak
Bud Osborne and Lola Todd with Australian Phalanger
Our Gang (Joe Cobb, Allen “Farina” Hoskins, Mickey Daniels) with Hippopotamus
Jack Padjan and Weasel
Jack Perrin and Lion
House Peters and Badger
Rin Tin Tin with Monkey
Will Rogers and Lynx
Mickey in Spanola (Mickey Rooney) and Gazelle
Buddy Roosevelt and Zebu
Bob Steele and Serval
Lee Tracy and Elephant
Ben Turpin and Camel
Tom Tyler with Deer
Tom Sanschie (Tom Santschi) and Caribou
Glenn Tryon and Zebra
Tom Tyler and Deer
Wally Wales and Jackal
Ted Wells and Hyena
Examples of Color Variations
We can thank friend David York for contributing those images to Immortal Ephemera from his ever growing Lon Chaney Collection. Thanks again, David!