Just a quick item of interest I came across while preparing several mid-1940’s issues of Liberty Magazine for eBay:
I’d never seen this shot before, here’s what the caption reads in case it’s too small or you can’t make out what exactly is going on here:
MERINGUE MAKE-UP FOR BETTE DAVIS – The actress gladly stopped a pie with her face when Hollywood observed V-J Day. This command encore delighted 2,000 G.I.s at Camp Cooke, California. Dancer Johnny Coy, the chucker, grins in anticipation.
From inside the November 10, 1945 issue of Liberty Magazine.
Bonus: Here’s another issue from that same collection, February 1, 1947, which features Davis on the front cover. Unfortunately it’s beat to all you-know-what:
Thanks for sharing the pie in the face picture of Bette! So many people consider her stuffy, but its great to see her let her hair down for the enjoyment of men in the military 🙂
You’re very welcome, Jessica! It came out of a magazine I was listing for sale and typically I page through each issue when I prepare to list them–this pic stopped me in my tracks! I’d never seen it before and based on your comment and some e-mails I’m glad to see others hadn’t either.