Just a brief post to point you to a new site I built this week, ClassicMovieSearch.com. The following image of the home page pretty much explains it all, but of course I’ll keep talking underneath it as well:
Basically it’s Google with all of the non-Classic Movie stuff filtered out. Why bother? Well, here’s the bottom of page 2 of Google when I search for my favorite Classic Film Star, Warren William:
Unrelated junk! Can you imagine what happens by page 10? Especially with all of the stuff that gets repeated over and over. So I decided to give an effort to remake Google in a way only a Classic Film Fan could appreciate!
As of now there’s 113 sites indexed in our Classic Movie Search Engine. They include this site, my Warren William site and 111 others comprised of blogs and sites you’ll find in my blogroll on this page plus others suggested by Raquelle from Out of the Past, who gets a big assist for letting me bounce ideas of her as well as for her own contributions. The idea is to grow it from these 113 (awesome) sites though, making this Recommended Sites page the second most important part of Classic Movie Search.
Use that form to send me links to quality Classic Movie Sites and Blogs by the bucketful! They don’t even need to be active, just good. If they ever disappear Google will just automatically de-index them and if they’re good they deserve to be in the Search Engine helping us all out even if they’ve since been abandoned.
One site I didn’t include was the IMDb. Well, originally I did, but they not only floated to the top of every search they dominated all of the pages. Perhaps when we get more sites in the Index I’ll put them back in, but for now if you want every other link to be the IMDb just head over to their site instead.
All right, I could ramble for pages, but best thing is to send you over to the About page on ClassicMovieSearch.com if you want more. Then get searching and by all means, send your sites!
Awesome! I have just put it on my blogroll, but is there some way to have the classic movies search box on my blog?
Thanks for that and thanks for submitting a couple of sites too (they’ve already been added!).
Okay, that’s the second request for a search box, I’m really going to have to dig into the documentation and see if there’s something readily available, call it: Coming Soon … I hope!
Thanks again!
is there some way to have the classic movies search box on my blog?
Yeah, I’ve got a link to this on mine but a search box would really be sweet.
Thanks again for putting this together, Cliff.
Just wanted to add that I did finally figure out a Classic Movie Search widget, details here.
Thanks. I’ll update my blog entry.