"A Visit to Movieland" reprinted from The Forum magazine, January 1920. This is the 5th of 9 parts. Written by "The Forum's Correspondent."
Staggering Sums Spent:
We have all of wondered how much real money they put into productions at California. At the studio they had just completed a big production, and I was able to copy off the expenditures from the actual final tabulated cost sheet. Here they are:
- Director and Assistant - $3,926.30
- Cameraman and Assistant - $3,615.85
- Raw Stock - $395.48
- Developing and Printing - $3,048.53
- Sets - $5,579.12
- Stills - $369.35
- Props - $4,263.79
- Rental of Props - $3,111.40
- Rental of Lamps - $1.00
- Rental of Autos - $5,384.85
- Regular Actors - $15,266.96
- Extra Actors - $24,255.35
- Locations - $21,914.18
- Electricians - $516.60
- Propertymen - $1,352.50
- Wardrobe and Drapery - $3,174.55
- Studio Rent - $3,000.00
- Office Expense and Telegrams - $775.19
- Standby - $121.00
- Titles and Inserts - $1,774.24
- Administration - $1,983.68
- Publicity - $1,522.99
- General Expense - $305.47
- X--- Y---, Director - $13,500.00
But, of course, any such staggering outlay of money is the extraordinary. That picture is what Movieland calls a "special"--a production which the backers fondly hope will play week runs at theatres and gross them anywhere from half a million to a million dollars. And it was possible to learn at the studios how much real money goes into the average as you see it; it is a range from $25,000 to $50,000.
Next: Part 6: How "Sets" Are Built
Previous: Part 4 - What Success In the Movies Is
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