The first batch of 1935 Secrets Magazine mini Playing Cards that I received came in this wrapper:
On the Gallery & Guide page I wrote: “While referring to Secrets Magazine it seems to title the set Broadway Fortune-Telling Cards–these seem to be better described as Film Star Playing Cards, so I’m not sure if the set is just poorly named or if I received mine inside the wrong wrapper.”
I’m going to correct that at some point–I still don’t get the Broadway connection, but with a recently acquired second batch of cards I focused a little better on the text printed on them. They are fortune-telling cards.
Beyond the fact that we’d probably need to miniaturize ourselves to actually play a card game with these tiny 1-1/4″ X 1-3/4″ playing cards it becomes a pretty quick deck to read seeing that the reverse side of each features one of fifty-two different film star images.
Wait, is that Lew Ayres? Then he does have the Ace of Spades!
Now I’m left wishing that I had a set of directions to go with that wrapper. I have no idea how this game is played or how your fortune is read. But I did get a chuckle out of a few of the fortune telling messages on the cards after taking the moment to actually focus on the text this time.
For instance, reading this:
And turning the card over to see him:
–immediately brought to mind Manners’ Jonathan Harker from Dracula (1931).
Sticking in the horror genre this brief message:
Made the Panther Woman’s face seem very appropriate:
Reading this:
Almost led me to expect to see every leading lady’s best pal on the other side:
Though I should note that Merkel was actually married in real life at this time.
This one seemed a no-brainer:
Even if she is pretty definitely a blonde here:
This one made me giggle:
And then I turned it over and chuckled a bit more:
Well over, I’d say–57 years old in 1935! (Though I must admit the image looks like it’s from a few years earlier than that).
Finally, an ominous warning:
As if she needed any more of a complex!
A fun and unusual card set that shows off a nice mix of Golden Age Hollywood film stars with a handful of British stars in the mix as well.
They are all shown on the original Gallery & Guide page HERE.
eBay listings are found HERE with more singles coming soon to the Immortal Ephemera Store.
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